Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mens Physique Online; Welcome

Welcome to Men's Physique Online - This blog has been set up to share information on everything to do with men’s physique. We will touch on diet, training, competition and try to positively spread the word of men's physique.

2013 will be the first year that men's physique will be a competitive division in British body building with the federation known as United Kingdom Body Building and Fitness Federation (UKBFF) following its success in the IFBB since being launched in 2011.

Many competitors are now thought to be taking the stage this year to compete and with the current standard looking high, it should be a very interesting first year of competition.

This blog has been created to positively promote this new class and give tips and advice for anyone looking to compete. We will go through what it takes to compete, whether it be your diet, tanning, choosing your suit or what the judges are looking for. We will also touch on training, routines for certain muscle groups and even include bios to promote athletes taking part in this new class.

We must all act in a positive way to promote our new class, if you have any ideas for future features, would like to be featured as an athlete or want further information on men's physique, please feel free to get in contact.


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